About Me

Welcome to my BLOG! I am a Contemporary Photographer specializing in Maternity, Newborn, Children, Families, HS Seniors, Engagements, and Weddings. I am also available for print/editorial as my work has been published in a variety of magazines. Please leave me a comment under the image of your choice to let me know that you were here. I love hearing from all of you...

Monday, July 7, 2008

All boy!!

Here is another cutie pie.. Jax made me laugh throughout the session. He was running around everywhere. You couldnt get this one to stay in one place for more than 2 seconds at a time. It was so funny.. He was MR. INDEPENDENT & ALL BOY! I hear that is exactly how i was when i was a little girl. I think i am going to be in for it when i have a little one. I hear that its pay back time when you have your own! I dont mind.. Im up for the challenge!

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